The fourth transnational meeting in Badajoz, Spain

We started our trip to Spain on Sunday with a 3-hour drive to Venice. Then we took a flight to Paris where we had a little bit of free time and from there to Lisbon. In Lisbon we met with the Portuguese team and together we drove around 2 hours to Badajoz by bus.


At about 8am all students gathered at the school entrance. We all together went up to the music room where a choir sang songs in different languages. After that we had a short break and then left towards the city centre and visited the city hall. We had a quick look at the hall and a short presentation by a representative of the mayor. At last we headed to the old part of the city and visited an old wall. We then all went home to rest for a couple of hours. Towards the evening everyone got together at a park by the river and we talked with each other. Finally, we went home to sleep.


On the 2nd day of being in Spain we were getting along better.  After an hour of lessons, we got on a bus and went to a city called Mèrida. We went to a museum and then took a train ride all over the city which was really beautiful. We also visited the Roman theatre and went to the park Cornavalo where we took a hike. In the late afternoon we went back to Badajoz. We rested for a bit and then went to the city park where teenagers hang out. The day of hanging out together went by quickly.


On Wednesday we had Olympic games, but first we walked to the park on Guadiana River Banks, the venue of the games. When we arrived, we divided into groups and started to play a lot of sports which all involved a specific trick. We played basketball with one hand and football with our eyes blindfolded with filmy glasses. After that we had a polygon. There were a lot of games like bottle flips, archery and more. Sometime later we got medals and took a lot of pictures. When we arrived back to school, we had a lunch with parents and it was really good. There was a lot of typical Spanish food and drinks. When we finished, we went home and had a little nap. In our free time, we went to the park where we hung out, listened to some music, ate some food and played sports. The day ended up with a beautiful sunset.


We woke up, ate breakfast and went to school, which started at 8.30 am. We had the first lesson. I had English with two of my schoolmates Pia and Nika. Then we went to the bus and drove to Barcarrota, where we had orienteering for about an hour and half. After that we went climbing, abseiling and also tried the zip-line. In the afternoon, we had lunch and went kayaking until 4 pm. It was a lot of fun. Then we went back home and around 6 pm we went to the shopping centre together. In my opinion this was the best day of the whole week.


On Friday we came to school and stayed with our hosts in the first lesson. After that we had our presentations, played an online game designed by the Portuguese team and said goodbye to Bulgarian people. Later we had calligraphy lesson. After we finished with that, we had free time with our hosts all the afternoon. In the evening we had a party at a pub. There were some fizzy drinks, food and music to dance. For more than an hour we were just taking photos outside. Everyone had to take a photo with everyone. The last 30 minutes were very sad, because we had to start saying goodbye. There were a lot of hugs and tears. We also had our usual circle with the song Perfect, like in Slovenia, to wrap up the project, which we started in Ljubljana. At 11.45 all the students sadly had to go home, to sleep for a few hours, before we embarked on the journey home.


On Saturday we said goodbye to our Spanish friends very early, at 5 o’clock in the morning. We then drove back to Lisbon with the Portuguese team. From there they took their bus home, and we took a flight to Amsterdam, where we caught a connecting flight which took us back to Venice. From Venice we had to drive another 3 hours to Slovenia and the arrival to Ljubljana ended our trip. We had an amazing time and a valuable experience, but most of all, we got to know some fabulous people and made new friends for life.

Author: europeanolympics

Olimpizem je gibanje, ki druži narode, športnike, otroke, mladino, odrasle ter povezuje področje športa, zgodovine in umetnosti. V tekočem in naslednjem šolskem letu je naša šola vključena v Erasmusplus projekt, ki nosi naslov EU Olympics (evropske olimpijske igre), z osnovnim namenom promocije olimpijskih vrednot, športa, zdravega življenjskega sloga, druženja vrstnikov iz evropskega prostora, spoznavanja evropskih držav, jezikov in kultur, premagovanja medsebojnih razlik, ter da otrokom omogočimo priložnost komuniciranja v tujem jeziku. To je naš blog, kjer bomo objavljali, kaj počnemo, kje se potepamo, kaj smo se naučili in kako premagujemo jezikovne in kulturne razlike med sodelujočimi – poleg nas so v projektu še učenci iz Španije, Portugalske in Bolgarije.

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